My Anticipation in Tsing Hua


With a fearful mind and the enthusiasm of learning ambivalently, I stepped into a new environment here in Hsinchu a few months ago. But to my surprise, Tsing Hua is such a beautiful university, which has a vast campus and long history. Since then, I have decided to learn lots of knowledge in this tranquil studying environment with profuse energy and amazing landscape.

Before the semester began, I planned to acquaint myself thoroughly with Tsing Hua University by rambling around the campus. At that time, I found the scenery in the campus was amazingly breathtaking far beyond description. Many scenic spots are extremely impressive, inclusive of the Greensward, Cheng Kung Lake and the clock tower in the Humanities and Social Sciences Building. Maybe most of Tsing Hua's students can have great achievements partly because of the riant campus and good teaching systems in addition to their own efforts.

After adapting to this new place, I have found it convenient to get access to many resources in the top 3 universities gradually. In addition, I couldn't make so many friends if I hadn't been matriculated to this college. Professors and teaching assistants are so friendly and young that I almost change my stereotype about them. There is still one thing worth mentioning: I think I can learn a lot more than what textbooks can teach us by participating in some clubs and Tsing Hua just offers me a wide variety of clubs to choose (from).So I appreciate Tsing Hua's offering much and I'm deeply convinced that I would not only have a great time taking part in the club's activities but obtain a sense of accomplishment and responsibility, as well.

Now, two months after the enrollment, I have established my goals in the four years (maybe six years or more). First, I want to delve into the vast ocean of knowledge from not only textbooks but all the professors, TAs, and friends so as to become a renowned scholar in the future. Second, I hope I can broaden my international horizons by nurturing extensive global views so that I have sufficient capabilities to study abroad someday. Third, I want to feed back my alma mater with all I have learned in this cradle of excellent magnates who have profound contribution to the society.

Although I am just a "three-month-old" freshman in Tsing Hua now, I have experienced miscellaneous activities ranging from the athletic meet to midterm exam. I think I would get indelible memories and experiences during my university life since Tsing Hua University always provides me with a great many opportunities to discover and develop my potential.